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lördag 9 juni 2018

Breaking news! Human rights lawyer Nguyen Van Dai released!

"Breaking news! FMC received news this morning that our friend, human rights lawyer Nguyen Van Dai, has been released from prison in Vietnam and is now in Germany together with his wife.

”It’s a great surprise and joy for us that Dai is free. He and his wife are now in Germany. We have co-operated with Dai for over ten years. He is a very brave man”, says the President of FMC, Rev. Johan Candelin.

Dai’s assistant Le Thu Ha was also released. We thank God for their release and continue to pray for the other Vietnamese Christians in prison, including pastor Nguyen Trung Ton." (Friends of the Martyred Church)

You can read more here: 

(RFA) Radio Free Asia: 

Photo from facebook (Friends of the Martyred Church, FMC), taken when Rev. Johan Candelin visited Dai some years ago.

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