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söndag 25 mars 2018

Belarus - Massdetentions of Belsat journalists in Minsk, 100 journalists arrested in 2017, presidential candidates arrested

Belarus 2018 arrests on Freedom Day! *

(Massmedial uppmärksamhet: Vitryssland = Belarus är nära. Det är närmare från Stockholm till Minsk, än från Stockholm till Bryssel) Support them, be their voice!

- Former presidential candidate Mikola Statkevich and his wife Marina Adamovich were detained (Marina was freed).  Both of them were under pressure for a long time: Marina: "During a week our house was beset from all sides. Blue minivans were on day-and-night duty. --- Now they (the police) drive Mercedes instead previous Volkswagen cars."

Charter 97: "Maryna Adamovich: Mikalai Statkevich arrested in full view of Euronews" (25.3.2018)

Belsat: "Massdetentions of 'Belsat' journalists in Minsk" (25.3.2018)
"Journalist Andrei Kozel was sent to a mental hospital."

The Washington Post: "Scores arrested in Belarusian opposition protest in Minsk (25.3.2018)

Viasna: "Viasna observers, protesters, journalists detained in Minsk and across country"

Östgruppen: "Omfattande gripanden i Belarus - Östgruppen uppmanar Walltröm att reagera"

Human Rights Watch: "Events of 2017"
100 journalists have been arrested!

* The poet and presidential candidate Uladzimir Niakliaeu, who was arrested is now free (update. 22.00)

* Belsat: "Belarus authorities release politicians detained before Freedom Day" https://belsat.eu/en/news/belarus-authorities-release-politicians-detained-before-freedom-day/

Foto: KL (I Belarus härskar diktator Lukashenka. Polisen och domstolarna är korrumperade).

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