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måndag 26 februari 2018

Belarus still struggling with dictatorship

Belarus. News. Be the voice for oppressed people.

Evgeny Xhovtis (Евгений Жовтис): "the blocking of sites that provide alternative information --- is absolutely predictable, given the nature of authoritarian regimes. Lukashenka and Nazarbayev are similar about it. 

This is a significant blow for Belarus, in which there are very few independent media outlets. After the Ukrainian events in which Russia showed its real face, every source of information opposing Putin's propaganda is worth its weight in gold. Unfortunately, the Belarusian authorities restricted their citizens in access to this information." (Charter 97 22.02.2018)

iost.nu: "Systemets fortsatta degenerering"
Om det belarusiska lokalvalet: "Kontrollen och underkännandet av stödunderskrifter genmfördes i huvudsak utan transparens. När människorättsorganisationernas valövervakare ville observera proceduren nekades de i 85 procent av fallen.

Särskilt illa var det dock enligt Hulak och Labkovitj med själva rösträkningen och med genomförandet av förhandsröstningen, som traditionellt är mer öppen för manipulation av resultat (eller för att blåsa upp det påstådda valdeltagandet) och i vilken många pressas att delta. Det var även vanligt att röstförrättare kom hem till folk för att samla in deras röster, ofta oombedda, trots att denna möjlighet formellt existerar bara för dem som själva inte kan ta sig till vallkokalen. En för Belarus ny fuskmetod noterades också denna gång: grupper som åkte runt och röstade i flera vallokaler.

Människorättsförsvararna konstaterade avslutningsvis att myndigheterna inte velat följa tidigare rekommendationer från varken inhemska eller internationella observatörer, så som OSSE:s valövervakningsbyrå ODIHR."

Charter 97: "Yevgeny Zhovtis (Евгений Жовтис): I admire people who struggle with dictatorship"
Evgeny Xhovtis: "the blocking of sites that provide alternative information --- is absolutely predictable, given the nature of authoritarian regimes. Lukashenka and Nazarbayev are similar about it. A dictatorship treats any independent information as a threat. Independent media have to go into social networks and continue to struggle there.

This is a significant blow for Belarus, in which there are very few independent media outlets. After the Ukrainian events in which Russia showed its real face, every source of information opposing Putin's propaganda is worth its weight in gold. Unfortunately, the Belarusian authorities restricted their citizens in access to this information."

Charter 97: "Anatol Liabedzka sentenced to 50 base Ffees fine, 3-day detention" 
"Liabedzka denied the charges of disobedience to a police officer.

- The traffic police officers themselves pulled me physically from the car. In the Kobryn police department, they prepared the case for the court for 5 hours, and drafted up two protocols against me. The first one was for driving without a license, as my driver's license expired, and they don't give me a medical certificate. I lost consciousness once, and so they tell me that they cannot give me a certificate, although I passed all the commissions. The second protocol is about disobeying the traffic policemen who stopped us. But this is a lie."

Photo: KL

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