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onsdag 18 november 2015

Bataclans glömda judiska historia och hotet

Detta har vi inte blivit informerade om. Media glömmer den judiska dimensionen av terrordåden i Paris. Video (4:44) "The threat 2008". The video may explain why the terrorists attacked the Bataclan. Prayers. 

"I Frankrike utgör de mindre än en procent (475 000 stycken) av landets befolkning. Ändå riktades 51 procent av alla rasistiska attacker mot landets judar ifjol, enligt inrikesministeriet. De senaste fem åren har mer än 20 000 franska judar flyttat till Israel, enligt Jewish agency. --- Genom åren har många judiska och israeliska musiker upprätt på Bataclan. Mellan åren 2006–2009 höll den judiska, ideella gruppen Migdal sina insamlingsgalor till stöd för den israeliska gränspolisen där. --- Massakern på Bataclan var den överlägset dödligaste av de sex samtidiga attackerna i Paris på fredagen. Joel Laloux gav sig av i tid. Bakom sig lämnade han en ståtlig teater som i dag är synonym med massaker och fasa. Och där en majoritet av offren var unga människor.
Massakern på Bataclan skriver in sig i ett mönster. Många av målen i de senaste årens terrorattacker i Europa har varit judiska."

Expressen (November 17.2015):

Hotet som framfördes år 2008 (video 4:44) The threat:
"For years the Bataclan in Paris has been a target of radicalism and extremism because of its Jewish affiliation. In this video from 2008, extremists deliver a violent message to the venue.

Here is their message translated from the video: "It's clear now, this is a message to the owners of the Bataclan. Take responsibility for your acts. This is a message to the organizers of Migdal, this pro-Israel and racist and Islamophobic organization, that spends its time insulting the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Muslims. You are going to pay for the consequences of your acts. You're doing something very serious. For all those who are worried about the consequences of this provocation. It's understood that it causes anger in the suburbs. We have come to send you a little message. Next time we're not coming to talk."

Prayer for peace (from church of England):

"Compassionate God and Father of all,
we are horrified at violence
in so many parts of the world.
It seems that none are safe, and some are terrified.

Hold back the hands that kill and maim;
turn around the hearts that hate.
Grant instead your strong Spirit of Peace -
peace that passes our understanding
but changes lives,
through Jesus Christ our Lord."


Praying for Paris:
"Please join with us at RZIM in praying for Paris, France, in the aftermath of the horrific terrorist attacks on November 13.

Pray for God’s deepest comfort on those who lost loved ones in the deadly attacks; for healing and restoration for the injured and brokenhearted; for wisdom and courage for French leaders as they address the different aspects of this tragedy.

Pray for discernment and protection for law enforcement and military personnel as they navigate difficult environments and work to protect others during this crisis.

Pray for strength and sensitivity for the churches and ministries in the region as they seek to reach those who are hurting and demonstrate the love of our Lord in these perilous times.

Pray for peace and stability in Paris. May we shine the light of Jesus Christ during these dark days. And may God bring His peace and healing to the “City of Light” and indeed to our deeply troubled world, as only He is able."

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” — Romans 12:21

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