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fredag 20 februari 2015

The blood of the martyrs

LCMS. Matthew C. Harrison (Ash Wednesday February 18, 2015) Words from the heart:

"We, too, stand with all martyrs and confessors of Jesus, no matter what Christian church or confession. These men died with the words, “Jesus, help us!” on their lips. That is the fundamental confession of a genuine faith.

We mourn with the Coptic community, not only in Egypt and North Africa, but here in the United States. --- We also plead in prayer for our brothers and sisters in the faith all over the globe, and particularly in the morass of the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Asia, Nigeria, and wherever else the irrationality of radical Islam and Islamic states threatens the lives of not only Christians, but also Jews and of anyone who dares to contradict the dictates of their insanity. --- Governments do not possess authority over the mind and heart, and certainly not faith. --- We seek governments that recognize the basic and universal dignity of all people, the right of free speech for all people, and the right of freedom of faith and worship for all people and all religions. Such freedom guarantees the free course of the Gospel."

Witness, Mercy, Life together blog (LCMS) Full text:

SAT 7: "Brother of two Christian victims of ISIS calls in to SAT-7 live programme 'We Will Sing'" (4:48) Very moving:

Photo: KL

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