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lördag 25 oktober 2014

Kazakhstan - regime shoots peaceful protesters, shuts down critical media and locks up political opponents

Freedom House has reported that human rights, freedom of expression and free elections are “concepts for which President Nursultan Nazarbayev ’s regime shows blithe contempt.”

Vadim Kuramshin!

"Mr. Nazarbayev’s regime shoots peaceful protesters dead, shuts down critical media and locks up political opponents. Those currently locked up on politically motivated charges include my father, Mukhtar Dzhakishev, imprisoned since May 2009. He has been denied medical treatment for life-threatening conditions and subjected to two secret trials, contravening both Kazakh and international law. Despite an intensifying crackdown against civil society, Kazakh NGOs continue to call for his release, and for the release of other political prisoners such as the poet Aron Atabek, lawyer and human-rights defender Vadim Kuramshin, opposition leader Vladimir Kozlov and labor activist Roza Tuletayeva."

dzhakishev.org (Freedom House, the Wall street Journal):

Earlier (Vadim Kuramshin):

Photo: KL

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