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tisdag 6 mars 2012

Suspend the 2014 Ice Hockey Championship in Belarus - Frånta Belarus värdskapet för ishockey-VM 2014

Sign the petition. Namninsamling på Internet. Belarus 

Den slovakiske hockeylegenden Peter Stastny – som nu är ledamot i EU-parlamentet - har startat en namninsamling för att Belarus ska fråntas värdskapet för ishockey-VM 2014 om inte alla politiska fångar släpps och dödsstraffet avskaffas.

Internationella ishockeyförbundet kommer att ta upp frågan om VM-arrangemanget 2014 på ett möte i maj.

Sign the petition - underteckna namninsamlingen:

"Urge the International Ice Hockey Federation to suspend its 2014 Ice Hockey Championship in Minsk, Belarus until that country’s long-time dictator, Alexander Lukashenko, releases all the country’s political prisoners and issues a moratorium on the death penalty in Belarus.

Often known as the “last dictatorship of Europe,” the Lukashenko regime has earned international notoriety and scorn for its appalling human and political rights record.

Lukashenko and his security services, still called the KGB, have ruthlessly ruled Belarus for almost twenty years. Under his reign, elections have been consistently unfair and undemocratic; politically motivated arrests and detentions are common; the Belarusian judiciary has been stripped of its independence; beatings, poor treatment, and disease are widespread in prisons (where detainees lack access to food, proper clothing, and medical treatment); and the public’s basic freedoms of press, speech, assembly, association, and religion are severely restricted.
IIHF should realize that such barbaric behavior is still practiced in Europe is deeply disturbing.
Lukashenko regime should not be rewarded with the prestige associated with hosting the 2014 International Ice Hockey Championship while his citizens languish in jail for peacefully trying to exercise minimal political freedoms"


Catherine Ashton (EU): http://www.charter97.org/en/news/2012/3/1/48789/

Foto: KL (oppositionens flagga, Belarus, Vitryssland)

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