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onsdag 29 februari 2012

Sannikov: "My usual prison service ended in september. Then torture began" - EU recalls all ambassadors from Belarus

Amos. 5:24. "The Judgement time chronicle" is a mini-film from human rights center Viasna, dedicated to the former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, who was sentenced to five years in prison for political reasons. Update: THANKS EU!

Another great video: Natalya's story (journalist beaten by police and imprisoned in KGB jail) and film by Dan Rather about Belarus (situation like in "Warshaw ghetto"). Lukashenka är en hitlerbeundrare och vän med H. Chavez, Irans president och Syriens ledarskap. Lukashenko admires Hitler and is a friend of Iran's president and Syria's leadership.

News: EU recalls all ambassadors from Belarus. EU/Ashton: "All EU Member States will also summon Belarusian ambassadors to their foreign ministries.
We will continue to follow the situation closely."
Film honoring the diplomat and former presidential candidate and hero Andrei Sannikov.

‎"Riv sönder era hjärtan, inte era kläder," Joel. 2:12a  "and rend your hearts and not your garments.” ESV)
"Låt rätten flöda fram som vatten och rättfärdigheten som en ständigt rinnande ström". Amos. 5:24 "But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." (ESV)
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison. 

OBS! Charter 97 Journalist Natalia Radzina - Natalya's story:
Natalya is rewarded in the USA by Press Freedom Award 

"Vitryssland uppmanade i dag ambassadörerna från Polen och EU att lämna landet.
Beslutet kom efter att EU fört upp ytterligare 21 namn på en lista med vitryska myndighetspersoner som nekas inresa i EU-länder.
Det är en markering mot det försämrade människorättsläget under president Alexander Lukasjenkos styre.
Som svar på Vitrysslands drag beslutade alla EU-länder att kalla hem sina respektive ambassadörer."

Sveriges radio:

EU/Catherine Ashton:

Earlier: Former presidential candidate Ales Michalevic testimony: A concentration camp in the centre of Minsk (KGB torture) http://anei-aka-kirian.livejournal.com/281141.html

"Sanctions should be strenghtened":
"The Belarusian regime treats its people in a manner usual for dictatorial countries – as they were its private property. Civil rights do not work there. Civil rights is a line the authorities cannot cross over in their relations with citizens."

Prime minister of Poland to the people of Belarus: “I'd like to tell a few words to the people of Belarus.Be strong. Stand firm! Long live Belarus!”

Sanktioner borde också inbegripa ishockey-VM och Eurovision song contest, för att visa att man menar allvar. Bojkotta Lukashenka och hans regim tills han släpper alla politiska fångar, valarbetare, presidentkandidater, mänskorättskämpar osv.
Befria det lidande vitryska folket.

OB! Film by Dan Rather (20 min) about Belarus and the dictatorship showing police beating people under a peaceful demonstration. Lukashenka is a friend of H Chavez, Iran's president and the regime of Syria.

Iryna Khalip is the wife of diplomat and presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov:

Ps. 102:20f "Ty han blickar ner från sin heliga höjd, HERREN skådar från himlen ner till jorden för att höra den fångnes klagan och befria dödens barn,"
"that he looked down from his holy height; from heaven the Lord looked at the earth to hear the groans of the prisoners, to set free those who were doomed to die, that they may declare in Zion the name of the Lord, and in Jerusalem his praise, when peoples gather together, and kingdoms, to worship the Lord." (ESV)

Torture testimony (Free Belarus now) Ales Michalevic, Natalya Radzina, Ales B. in English:

Regime (KGB) brutally beating people - Europe's last dictator - Stop him now!

C Ashton on Belarus and Ice Hockey Championships in Belarus (Thanks!):

EU sanctions:

Presidentkandidat M Statkevich tackar EU:

OBS! Free Belarus now:

Iryna Khalip:
Iryna Khalip, the wife of imprisoned presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, thinks the tough stance of the EU will lead to the release of political prisoners.
“We need to apply all efforts, both inner and external, to intensify the struggle for the release of political prisoners and gain the release,” Iryna Khalip told Radio Racyja.

How does Aliaksandr Atroshchankau see the development of the crisis? “Let’s hope that the European Union will not get scared by its own bravery, that the EU will continue this process and will demand that the Belarusian law is followed. Nothing unreal and implausible is demanded from Lukashenka – only to release the political prisoners and hold a free voting.”
“The peculiarity of the situation is that this is probably the first time when the regime has faced a really united position of the European Union. Now the Belarusian authorities cannot use disagreements within the EU and manipulate their economic interests as easily. (…) Such a determined approach based on a firm position can bring results and show Lukashenka that he cannot build a concentration camp in the 21st century and trade political prisoners,” he told BelaPAN.

"The EU has no plans to let up the pressure and prominent businessmen who provide crucial support for Mr Lukashenko could find themselves targeted by the next round of EU sanctions this month." (Charter 97/Financial Times)

- Viktigt med olika typer sanktioner, offentliga fördömanden av den orättfärdiga regimen och konsekvent bojkott med alla tillbudsstående medel.  

- It is extremely important with various sanctions, public condemnation of the unjust regime and consistently boycott by all practical means.

Photo: Kerstin L. (Oppositionens flagga, Belarus, Vitryssland)
I feel the pain in my own body

Burn in me

"Burn in me" (Paul Wilbur)

Ordspr. 30:5 "Allt Guds ord är rent från slagg, han är en sköld för dem som tar sin tillflykt till honom."

1 Petr. 1:7 "Äktheten i er tro är långt värdefullare än guld som är förgängligt, fastän det håller provet i eld, och den tron skall visa sig bli till lov, pris och ära, när Jesus Kristus uppenbarar sig."

Mal. 3:2-4 "Men vem kan uthärda den dag då han kommer, och vem kan bestå när han uppenbarar sig? Ty han är som en guldsmeds eld och som en tvättares såpa. Likt en guldsmed skall han sätta sig ner och rena silvret. Han skall rena Levi söner, luttra dem som guld och silver, så att de kan bära fram åt HERREN en offergåva i rättfärdighet. Då skall offergåvorna från Juda och Jerusalem behaga HERREN som i forna dagar och gångna år."

"Burn in me" (Paul Wilbur)


söndag 26 februari 2012

MKV - Jesu namn: hos ingen annan finns frälsning - Maldiverna, arabvärlden, & Egypten - Guds beskydd för kristna - Freedom Award till dr Hanna

1 Tim. 1:1, 2:1-4. Hebr. 4:12-13. 2 Mos/Ex. 3:5-6. Ps. 91:2  Martyrkyrkans vänner r.f. (Ordf. Johan Candelin).
Veckorapport 7, 2012/Prayerbulletin, pappersrundbrev 1/2012.
Länder: Maldiverna, arabländerna, Egypten. Be (pray) för utvecklingen i Egypten, vädjar dr Hany Hanna, prisbelönad - "revolutionens predikant" - well-known and sheltered by Lord God, Almighty.

 MKV:s samarbetspartner dr Hany Hanna intervjuas alltså om den Egyptiska revolutionen. Dr Hany Hanna har erhållit det av First Step Forum nyinstiftade priset "SHAHBAZ BHATTI FREEDOM AWARD" (det andra i ordningen). Link/English version

Det utdelas årligen och det första priset gavs postumt till Shahbaz Bhatti och mottogs av hans bror dr Paul Bhatti vid en ceremoni i Bryssel nyligen. Dr Hany Hanna från Kairo erhöll priset som tack för sina insatser att skydda kristna i landet.

TACKSÄGELSE- OCH FÖRBÖNSÄMNEN: Maldiverna (bön för större frihet i landet, bön för de hemliga kristna) - Guds ord till arabländerna. (Evangeliet har framgång), Egypten (utvecklingen i landet, Guds beskydd över den kristna minoriteten)

"Hos ingen annan finns frälsningen. Inte heller finns det under himlen något annat namn, som givits åt människor, genom vilket vi blir frälsta." Apg. 4:12Acts "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (ESV)

"Om honom (Jesus) vittnar alla profeterna, att var och en som tror på honom får syndernas förlåtelse genom hans (Jesu) namn." Apg. 10:43 "To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” (ESV)

"Ty Guds ord är levande och verksamt. Det är skarpare än något tveeggat svärd och tränger igenom, så att det skiljer själ och ande, led och märg, och det är en domare över hjärtats uppsåt och tankar. Inget skapat är dolt för honom, utan allt ligger naket och uppenbart för hans ögon. Och inför honom måste vi stå till svars." Hebr. 4:12-13 "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account." (ESV)

"Då sade Gud: "Kom inte hit! Tag av dig skorna, ty platsen där du står är helig mark." Och han sade: "Jag är din faders Gud, Abrahams Gud, Isaks Gud och Jakobs Gud. Då dolde Mose ansiktet, ty han bävade för att se på Gud". 2 Mos. 3:5-6 "Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” And he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God." 2 Ex. 3:5-6 (ESV)

"Den som sitter under den Högstes beskydd och vilar under den Allsmäktiges skugga, han säger: "I HERREN har jag min tillflykt och min borg, min Gud som jag förtröstar på." Ps. 91:1-2 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,my God, in whom I trust.” (ESV)

Veckorapport 7/2012:


"Polis och militär, enligt uppgift ledda av anhängare till landets före detta diktator, president Abdul Maumoon Gayoom, tvingade den sittande presidenten Mohamed Nasheed att avgå den 7 februari. Det internationella samfundet reagerade inte, trots att maktövertagandet kommer att få följder för maldivernas medborgerliga rättigheter. Den störtade presidenten, som var Maldivernas första demokratiskt valda president, hade nämligen börjat arbeta för religionsfrihet och andra mänskliga rättigheter. 

Gayoom, vars anhängare nu står i ledningen för detta land med omkring 330 000 sunnimuslimer, lät år 1994 stifta en lag med syftet att förenhetliga islams lära och utövningen av islam samt att begränsa utövandet  av andra religioner. Under sina 30 år vid makten utvisade Gavoom utländska kristna som misstänktes för missional verksamhet och fängslade lokala konvertiter.  

Under Nasheeds tid som president opponerade sig hans motståndare starkt mot reformerna, tex. när maldiviska trupper deltog i FN-ledda fredsbevararuppdrag, när israeliska läkare kom för att arbeta i landet och när presidenten ville införa medborgerliga rättigheter. De ansåg reformerna som anti-islamiska och försökte motarbeta dem. Bland annat försökte de i juni 2009 få utbildningsministern åtalad för att han föreslagit att islam och nationalspråket dhivehi skulle vara valbara istället för obligatoriska ämnen i de högre klasserna i skolan.

Presidenten för Maldivernas Högsta domstol, Ahmed Faiz Hussein, kritiserade nyligen en stillsam demonstration för religiös tolerans den 10 december, där några få människor deltog. Han sade att demonstrationen "chockade nationen" och att den tydde på att islams ställning i landet försvagats. I november 2011, då Maldiverna för första gången var värd för den Sydasiatiska regionala samarbetsorganisationens (SAARC) toppmöte, vandaliserade en folkmassa, sannolikt ledd av Gayooms understödjare, en banderoll med en bild av Jesu ansikte som föreställde kristendomen som en av religionerna i Sydasien. Också under statskuppen i februari vandaliserade extremister hinduiska och buddistiska fornlämningar från förislamsk tid på Nationalmuseet i huvudstaden Malé.  

En förevändning för kuppen var att Nasheed lät arrestera brottsmålsdomstolens president Abdulla Mohamed, som vägrat tillåta en förundersökning om korruptionsmisstankarna mot Gayoom. Nasheem uppgav att han gjorde det av förpliktelse mot demokratin. Det var inget bra drag, men han hade redan förgäves sökt hjälp av det internationella samfundet för att oppositionen inte tillät hans regering att verka. Efter kuppen misshandlade polisen Nasheed på gatan och slog och torterade hans partimedlemmar, bla. tidigare partiledaren Mariya Didi. 

Det internationella samfundet har inte stött Nasheed i hans modiga försök att reformera Maldiverna utan har mer eller mindre övergett honom. Det här kommer att uppmuntra de islamistiska extremisterna i Maldiverna, det enda landet utöver Saudiarabien som uppger sig vara 100 % muslimskt. Ifall störtandet av Nasheed får passera utan internationell kritik är detta ett hårt bakslag för demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter - inklusive religionsfriheten - i detta örike."

- "Vi ber att utvecklingen mot större frihet i Maldiverna ska få fortgå. Vi ber också för alla de hemliga kristna som finns i landet men som inte kan samlas till gudstjänster eller andra möten på grund av den strikta religionspolitiken."

(Källa: WEA-RLC) 


"Vi tackar Gud för de unika möjligheterna som under det senaste året öppnats för oss för att tjäna församlingarna i Libyen och andra länder som berörts av den arabiska våren. Före revolutionen var det enda sättet att få in biblar i tex. Libyen att kurirer i hemlighet förde in några få per gång. Men när gränserna öppnats har tiotusentals biblar, barnbiblar och annat kristet material kunnat föras in i landet med lastbilar, tillsammans med biståndsvaror. Under år 2011 kunde fler biblar föras in i Libyen än sammanlagt under Gaddafis alla 42 år vid makten. Vi tackar Gud för detta och ber att Guds ord får bära rik frukt. Vi tackar också Herren för de svar som kommit på radio- och tv-program och via internet, som visar att det finns ett större intresse och en nyfikenhet inför evangeliet."

(Källa: www.opendoorsuk.org)

Martyrkyrkans vänner r.f. 
Prayerbulletin 7/2012



"MKV:s samarbetspartner dr Hany Hanna blev under revolutionen för ett år sedan känd som "revolutionens predikant". Han läste ur Bibeln och ledde kristen bön från det stora podiet på Tahrirtorget inför tiotusentals demonstranter. Han har lyckats förhindra många attacker mot såväl kyrkor som mot polisstationer, men är i dag mycket bekymrad över utvecklingen i landet. 

- Alla de som riskerade sitt liv har nu blivit åsidosatta, säger han. Revolutionen har stulits och vårt inflytande är nu mycket litet. 

Parlamentsvalen ledde till att Muslimska brödraskapet fick nästan hälften av alla platser, medan de ännu radikalare salafisterna fick ca en fjärdedel av platserna. Det betyder enligt dr Hanna att islamisterna nu har betydligt mer än den två tredjedels majoritet som behövs för att ändra grundlagen. Dr Hanna, som är koptisk kristen, har utmärkta kontakter till alla grupper, också till de ledande generalerna. Därför har MKV ingått ett samarbetsavtal med honom. 

Hans uppgift är att skydda den kristna minoriteten och arbeta för att förhindra våld. Han är ofta anlitad som expert i tv-program tack vare sitt arbete som professor i arkeologi, en vetenskap som är högt uppskattad i Egypten.

- Jag sänder mina varmaste gratulationer till MKV med anledning av ert jubileum, säger han. 

- Be för utvecklingen i Egypten. Det som händer här hos oss påverkar också utvecklingen i hela regionen och relationen till Israel. Vi behöver Guds beskydd under tider som kommer." 


Quickly translated into English - Egypt: dr Hany Hanna, rewarded by the second Shahbaz Bhatti Award:

Martyred church' partner, Dr. Hany Hanna was during the Revolution a year ago, known as the "revolution preacher". "He read from the Bible and led Christian prayer from the large podium on the Tahrir-square before tens of thousands of demonstrators. He has succeeded in preventing many attacks on churches as well as against police stations, but is now very concerned about developments in the country.

- All those who risked their lives has now been disregarded, he says. The revolution has been stolen and we have now very little influence.

  In parliamentary elections the Muslim Brotherhood got nearly half of all places, while the more radical salafists got about a quarter of the seats. That means, according to Dr Hanna that the Islamists now have considerably more than two-thirds majority needed to change the constitution. Dr. Hanna, who is Coptic Christian, has excellent contacts with all groups, also to the leading generals. Therefore, the Martyred Church has an agreement to cooperate with him.

His job is to protect the Christian minority and working to prevent violence. He is often engaged as an expert in television shows, thanks to his work as a professor of archeology, a science that is highly regarded in Egypt.

- I send my warmest congratulations to MKV on the occasion of your jubilee, he says.

- Pray for the development (future) of Egypt. What is happening here with us also affects development throughout the region and the relationship to Israel. We need God's protection in times to come. "

Foto: KL. (a rose in our garden)

Jesu namn hur skönt det klingar, låt det ljuda kring vår jord!

Psm nr 310 (T: D Welander 1923/S M Dominique 1941, M: Zulumelodi)
"Hos ingen annan finns frälsningen. Inte heller finns det under himlen något annat namn, som givits åt människor, genom vilket vi blir frälsta." Apg. 4:12/10:43

"Om honom (Jesus) vittnar alla profeterna, att var och en som tror på honom får syndernas förlåtelse genom hans (Jesu) namn."

"Ty Gud är en, och en är medlare mellan Gud och människor, en människa, Kristus Jesus, som gav sig själv till lösen i allas ställe. Detta vittnesbörd skulle framföras när tiden var inne," 1 Tim. 2:5-6

"Namnet Jesus bleknar aldrig,
strålar bortom tidens slut.
Evigt skall det namnet lysa,
glansen kan ej plånas ut.
Jesus gav sitt liv för alla,
hör det stora fröjdebud!
Namnet Jesus, det kan samla
unga, gamla hem till Gud.

Ja, jag älskar namnet Jesus
det har satt min själ i brand.
I det namnet fann jag frälsning,
intet annat frälsa kan.

Jesu namn, hur skönt det klingar,
låt det ljuda kring vår jord!
Intet kan åt världen skänka
hopp och tröst som detta ord.
För det namnet hatet viker,
för det namnet ondskan flyr.
I det namnet skall Guds rike
bryta fram som dagen gryr.

Ja, jag älskar namnet Jesus
det har satt min själ i brand.
 I det namnet fann jag frälsning,
intet annat frälsa kan.

Mitt i nattens mörker lyser
som en fyrbåk Jesu namn.
Det var hjälplös mänska leder
in till nådens trygga hamn.
Och när sol ej mera skiner,
namnet Jesus lyser än,
när den slutligt frälsta skaran
lovar Gud i himmelen.

Ja, jag älskar namnet Jesus,
det har satt min själ i brand.
I det namnet fann jag frälsning,
intet annat frälsa kan."

"Jag hade nämligen bestämt mig för, när jag var hos er, att inte veta av något annat än Jesus Kristus och honom som korsfäst." 1 Kor. 2:2

Foto: Kerstin L. (havet och fyrbåk, fotograferad från min båt)

lördag 25 februari 2012

More pressure on Europe's last dictatorship - Öka trycket på regimen i Belarus; sanktioner och bojkott - KGB tortyr pågår

Alyaksandr Lukashenka hotar diplomater/Lukashenka threathens to Western diplomat - video (Charter 97). Obama!? Thanks! (Testimony over torture)

Israelambassadör Eli Valk säger att det är konstigt att den nye Israelambassadören Yosef Shagal inte känner till de politiska fångarna i Vitryssland/First Israeli ambassador of Israel (THANKS ISRAEL - Shalom! ) Eli Valk: "not to know about political prisoners is strange". Eli also says: I condemn depriving people of the opportunity to express their opinion." Belarus has moved in the direction of stepping up political prosecution, and not liberalization of the regime."

Revoke Belarus from hosting the 2014 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship/Inget samarbete med diktaturen och KGB!

Alyaksandr A: “If the Belarusian regime really intended to hold a dialogue, political prisoners would have been released yesterday. Arrangements with Lukashenka mean nothing. A dialogue must be carried out under particular conditions. There must always be a threat of imposing sanctions, also economic ones, if agreements are not fulfilled.

Former presidential candidate Ales Michalevic' testimony: A concentration camp in Minsk, KGB tortyr (link)

Ambassadör Eli Valk besvarar frågan som ställdes till Shagal mycket bättre och fördömer strävanden att beröva mänskor rätten till yttrandefrihet; "här i Israel kan man säga vad man vill även om det skulle missgynna landet" :

- And what would you answer to the question about political prisoners, if you were an ambassador to Minsk now? (Charter 97 question to Eli Valk)

- "I would not say that I need half a year to get acquainted with the situation. But I would say that I need to study the situation better, to familiarize myself not only with the opinions of those who are talking about crackdown on Belarusian political prisoners all over the world, but with the official point of view. However, I would condemn depriving people of the opportunity to express their opinion. Here in Israel everyone says what he likes, even when it causes direct harm to the country." (EV)

"Sine I left Belarus, more than 12 years have passed, Belarus has moved in the direction of stepping up political prosecution, and not liberalization of the regime. I met with the rector of the Belarusian State University Kazulin, Trade Minister Marynich, who was an ambassador to Latvia then, and later they became political prisoners. The conclusion about reprisal to political opponents suggests itself. If I know that Sannikov went to the polls, and he is a political prisoner now, comment is needless.” (E Valk)

"Lukashenka threatens to Western diplomats" -  Lukashenka hotar diplomater, i videon nämner han också "Norge, Sverige och Finland":

First Israeli Ambassador Eli Valk: "Not to know about political prisoners is strange":

Earlier: Josef Shagal answering questions/Shagals svar på frågorna: http://www.belsat.eu/en/wiadomosci/a,7060,israeli-ambassador-to-belarus-unaware-of-political-prisoners.html

"René Fasel on political requests to revoke Belarus from hosting the 2014 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship: “We discussed that in the Council and Congress. The Congress decided to go to Belarus in 2014. We are away from political discussions.” 

Min (bloggarens) och mångas åsikt är att det är djupt omoraliskt och förkastligt att samarbeta med diktatorn i Belarus och KGB som torterar rättskämpar och oskyldiga oppositionella.
(link via Eva N)

Earlier: Norweigian government appeal: No talks with Lukashenka:

Aftenposten (Norge): No cooperation with dictator:

Earlier: Aliaksandr Atroshchankau

“If the Belarusian regime really intended to hold a dialogue, political prisoners would have been released yesterday. Arrangements with Lukashenka mean nothing. A dialogue must be carried out under particular conditions. There must always be a threat of imposing sanctions, also economic ones, if agreements are not fulfilled.
Lukashenka is weak now due to the oncoming Russian election. It's not clear how the Belarus-Russia relations will develop. That's why the dictator tries to demonstrate his success in the western direction. It's necessary to demand the regime to stop repression and release political prisoners as well as reform the whole political system,” Alyaksandr Atroshchankau said in an interview to charter97.org.

EU condemns Belarus' dictator:

Finally, they condemn the continuous persecution of human rights defenders and members of the democratic opposition and the harassment of civil society activists and the independent media in Belarus for political reasons and demand the unconditional immediate release of all political prisoners.


Shagal och Chagall:
Earlier: http://minkristnasamhllsblogg.blogspot.com/2012/02/shagal-and-chagall.html

OBS! Ales Michalevic' testimony (a concentration camp in Minsk, KGB torture/ tortyr) - Översätt!Translate!

Former presidential candidate Ales Michalevic rewarded: http://telegraf.by/en/2011/11/mihalevicha-nagradili-kanadskoi-pravozaschitnoi-premiei

Michalevic rewarded:

Diplomat and former presidential candidate Sannikov's sister: http://www.charter97.org/en/news/2012/2/24/48475/

"The siltation in Belarus was regarded as the most alarming one at the meeting and received the primary attention. 

Bogdanova said in her representation thousands of people in Belarus were being thrown into prison for their political views. She gave detailed information about her brother, presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, and talked about tortures of political prisoners in the KGB jail and confinement conditions in penitentiaries and transit prisons.

Bogdanova called on European politicians to help Belarusians in their struggle against the dictatorship. According to her, targeted economic sanctions against the authorities of Belarus could be the main help.

Talking about the case against Andrei Sannikov, I noted: do not forget there are 17 political prisoners in Belarus, but unofficially, there are thousands of them. If a presidential candidate has faced such treatment, what do others meet? I said about confinement conditions in remand jails and prisons, about ongoing tortures. Andrei has no access to a lawyer, he is forbidden to send letters and phone home.
I noted at the end neither I nor the people of Belarus will stop our fight for freedom, but we need help. With your help, we will need less time to achieve the result. We watch the dictatorships collapsing one after another. Let's combine our efforts. Imposing targeted economic sanctions against the Belarusian dictatorship, on oil products and potash fertilizers supplies, are important today as never before,” Iryna Bogdanova told charter97.org in an interview."


Photo: Kerstin L. (Oppositionens flagga från Minsk, Belarus:Vitryssland) 

torsdag 23 februari 2012

ECI - Norska regeringen bad om förlåtelse för överlämnandet av judar till nazisterna

European Coalition for Israel (Ur månadsrapport februari 2012)
Initiative 27. Januar

Uppdaterat: FN fördömer terror mot Israel/UN condemns terror against Israel (24.2.2012).
 ECI: "om alla andra alternativ misslyckas bör Europaparlamentet utfärda ett utlåtande som uttrycker att Israel har rätt till självförsvar - med alla nödvändiga medel."


ECI:s ordförande Harald Eckert fick erkännande för sitt arbete med att hjälpa överlevande från Förintelsen i Israel

"Vid ihågkomstceremonin i Französicher Dome i Berlin fredagen den 20 januari fick ECI:s ordförande Harald Eckert ett offentligt erkännande för sitt arbete med att uppmärksamma och ta hand om överlevare från Förintelsen i Israel. Ett pris överräcktes till honom av en medlem av föreningen för överlevare av Förintelsen i Israel. Den korta ceremonin utgjorde ett rörande ögonblick av uppskattning och försoning mellan israeler och tyskar. Genom ECI, Christians for Israel och Initiative 27 Januar har Harald Eckert höjt kännedomen om överlevarnas situation i Israel idag. Genom diverse projekt har unga tyskar fått möjlighet att tjäna och hjälpa överlevare i Israel och som kanske inte har sett en tysk person sedan de lämnat Nazityskland. Arbetet har fått mycket uppmärksamhet i Israel och belönades med rätta i närvaro av den före detta presidenten för tyska Bundestag, Rita Süssmuth, och många andra prominenta gäster, bland dem representanter för den israeliska regeringen."

Israels minister för offentliga angelägenheter: Tack ECI för ert arbete vid FN!


"Under Ihågkomstdagen för Förintelsens offer i Bryssel fick ECI också möjligheten att ha ett privat möte med Israels minister för offentlig diplomati, Yuli Edelstein. Edelstein var en av talarna vid Holocaust Memorial-ceremonin. Under det privata mötet tackade ministern personligen ECI för våra ansträngningar att förhindra ett unilateralt utropande av en palestinsk stat vid FN:s generalförsamlings session förra september.

"Enligt våra kritiker borde vi ha blivit svepta ut till havs vid det här laget, men tack vare er och era ansträngningar står vi fortfarande kvar" sade Edelstein."

Norska regeringen ber om förlåtelse för överlämningen av judar till nazisterna


"Ihågkomstdagen för Förintelsens offer firades över hela världen den 27 januari, även i Förenta Nationerna i New York. Trots att vissa tillställningar verkade missa poängen och istället anammade politisk korrekthet (vid tillställningen jämfördes judarnas motstånd mot nazisterna med arabvåren), så förekom även många gripande ceremonier. I Oslo, för första gången någonsin, bad den norska statsministern offentligt om förlåtelse för den roll som den dåvarande norska regeringen spelat i överlämningen av norska judar till nazisterna under kriget. En Ihågkomstceremoni ägde även rum i en av Oslos största kyrkor, Jesus Church, i närvaro av Israels ambassadör och många av Norges politiska ledare."

Vad kommer att hända i Iran?


"Även om hotet mot Israel från Iran är ett av de mest allvarliga fenomenen att bevaka i år, vill ECI inte spekulera om risken för en militär kraftmätning. I vilket fall som helst har vårt budskap till europeiska ledare varit klart och tydligt. EU har en skyldighet att förhindra Iran från att utveckla kärnvapenkapacitet. I ett utlåtande som har lagts fram i Europaparlamentet flera gånger, uttrycker ECI att: "om alla andra alternativ misslyckas bör Europaparlamentet utfärda ett utlåtande som uttrycker att Israel har rätt till självförsvar - med alla nödvändiga medel."

Inledningsvis nämns också i rapporten om det som skedde för 70 år sedan i Berlin. Gert Weisskirchen, tidigare medlem av Bundestag och ordförande för 2003 års OSCE-konferens mot antisemitism sade att "för 70 år sedan öppnades helvetets portar här i Berlin, och idag är det vår plikt att stänga dem och bevaka dem noggrannt." Gert Weisskirchen är känd som en av de mest välrespekterade personligheterna i kampen mot antisemitism, och vet vad han talar om."
Läs mera här på tyska:

I rapporten nämns också att Martin Schulz, nyvald president för Europaparlamentet, överraskat under Holocaust Memorialceremonin i parlamentet den 24.1 genom att tydligt uttrycka att hans främsta uppgift är att försvara det judiska folket och staten Israel. Uttalandet har tagits väl emot bland Israels vänner, även om många påpekat att Europaparlamentet och särskilt Schulz' eget parti har varit starkt kritiskt mot Israel det senaste året.

Den 27 januari firade Bastiaan Belder från Nederländerna sina två och en halv perioder i Europaparlamentet med en överraskningsfest i Rotterdam. Tomas Sandell, från ECI, var en av huvudtalarna och berömde Belder för hans modiga stöd för Israel i ett hårt klimat av anti-israeliskt grupptryck och politisk korrekthet. Belder är ordförande för EP-delegationen till Knesset i Israel och var även parlamentets rapportör till Iran. Han lyckades trots politiska påtryckningar skriva en starkt kritisk rapport till parlamentet. Hans arbete fick senare erkännande då Europeiska Unionen äntligen beslöt sig för att bojkotta iransk olja för att hindra Iran från att utveckla kärnvapenkapacitet.

Kommande händelser:

Krismöte om generationer av unga vuxna 22-23.2012, Bryssel  (Efterlyses unga vuxna!)

Bönekonferens/European Prayer Summit: 23-25.3.2012, Bryssel

ECI/Red. Tomas Sandell
European Coalition for Israel


Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani - Execution orders issued

Psalm 23 "HERREN är min herde, mig skall intet fattas." The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want"

Ps. 68:19 (ESV) "Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation."Lovad vare HERREN! Dag efter dag bär han oss, Gud är vår frälsning."

Music: Keith Green: "The Lord is my shepherd"

ACLJ: "Please continue to pray, share his history and call for release" (Petition)

Idea.de: "Iranischer Pastor soll in Kürze gehenkt werden"


"We are hearing reports from our contacts in Iran that the execution orders for Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani may have been issued.

Pastor Youcef’s situation – an innocent man convicted and sentenced to death for becoming a Christian – has not been this dire since we first brought his case to your attention last year.

It is unclear whether Pastor Youcef would have a right of appeal from the execution order. We know that the head of Iran’s Judiciary, Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, must approve publicly held executions, but only a small percentage of executions are held public—most executions in Iran are conducted in secret.

There has also been a disturbing increase in the number of executions conducted by the Iranian regime in the last month.

Iran is actively violating its human rights obligations by sentencing and detaining Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. 

We call on the Iranian government to release Pastor Youcef immediately.

We are continuing to work to help spare the life of Pastor Youcef, and will provide additional updates on his situation as we are able.

Please continue to pray, share his story, and call for his release."

American Center for Law and Justice

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
    He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord


Ps. 23 (ESV)

"The Lord is my shepherd" (Keith Green): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMUQEI0CLQM

Petition: http://aclj.org/iran/save-christian-pastor-nadarkhani-iranian-death-sentence




"De som sår med tårar skall skörda med jubel. Gråtande går de ut och bär sitt utsäde. Med jubel kommer de åter och bär sina kärvar." Ps. 126:5-6 (Folkbibeln)

The first Anniversary of the death of Shahbaz Bhatti:
Foto: Kerstin L. (fire in a basket) 

The beauty of the Gospel - This is Lent!

"This is Lent!" (Rew. Voltattorni)

"Return to the Lord your God with all your heart" (Cyberbrethen, P T McCain)

"With Jesus, we set our face toward Jerusalem. We make our pilgrimage with Him by the way of repentance, and thus return to the dying and rising of Holy Baptism" (Lent; McCain)

 Music: Keith Green: "Create in me"/Paul Wilbur "Shalom Jerusalem"

 "that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation." 2 Cor. 5:19 (ESV)

This is Lent! (Rew. Voltattorni)

 "While some will scoff at the celebration of the season of Lent, suggesting that it’s no different than any other time of the year, the truth remains that our purpose for recognizing the season of Lent, our very identity as Lenten Christians, is all wrapped up in the forgiveness of sins.

Look!  God was, in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. 

Come receive this forgiveness.  

With such a call to repentance and faith there is no question of why pray, why fast, why attend extra services, why Lent. 

Instead, there is nothing but the forgiveness of sins.

“Everything, therefore, in the Christian Church is ordered toward this goal: we shall daily receive in the Church nothing but the forgiveness of sin through the Word and signs, to comfort and encourage our consciences as long as we live here. 

So even though we have sins, the ‹grace of the› Holy Spirit does not allow them to harm us. For we are in the Christian Church, where there is nothing but ‹continuous, uninterrupted› forgiveness of sin. 

This is because God forgives us and because we forgive, bear with, and help one another [Galatians 6:1–2].⁠” 

- Martin Luther, Large Catechism, II, 55

Rew. A.R. Voltattorni 

Joel 2:12-19
2 Peter 1:2-11
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 

Return to the Lord your God with all your heart (Cyberbrethen; Paul T McCain) Ash Wednesday:

"With Jesus, we set our face toward Jerusalem. We make our pilgrimage with Him by the way of repentance, and thus return to the dying and rising of Holy Baptism. Each day He summons you to return to Him with all your heart because He is “gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love” (Joel 2:13). Do so in faith and confidence before Him, supplementing your faith with “virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love”(2 Pet. 1:5-7). During this Lenten season: set aside special times to pray to your Father in heaven; give to the needy from a heart of love; and fast for the sake of repentance (Matt. 6:3-4, 6, 17-18)".

Let Us Pray

"Almighty and everlasting God, You despise nothing You have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent. Create in us new and contrite hearts that, lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, we may receive from You full pardon and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen."

Ash Wednesday
 Paul T. McCain

"Create in me a clean heart" (Keith Green)

Ps. 51:10-12 (ESV)

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit."

"Shalom Jerusalem" (Paul Wilbur):

Psalm 122:6-7 (ESV)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you! Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!”

Music added by me.
Photo: Kerstin L. (a rose in our garden)

tisdag 21 februari 2012

Illtreatment of political prisoners goes on - Sannikov and Dashkevich in danger, torture and death penalty used in Belarus

"A forcible attempt was made to throw Zmitser Dashkevich into a cell with a so-called downcast prisoner". (Persecution: Isolation cell - no Bible)

His fiancee Anastasia Palazhanka is rewarded by the INTERNATIONAL WOMEN of COURAGE Awards 2011 (U.S Department of State/Clinton-Obama). Hebr. 13:3, 8 (ESV) Алесь Бяляцкі , Сяргей Каваленка... ...

...DIPLOMAT and PRESIDENTIAL candidate Andrei Sannikov,

the most serious rival to president Alexander Lukashenka in the 2010 election, serving five and a half years, faced similar issues. When an "untouchable" prisoner was allocated to his solitary cell, Sannikov immediately called hunger strike and stood close to the door. Iryna Khalip erlier: "He looked like a a man who had passed at least 10 years of Stalin’s camps in the last three months."

Дмитри Дашкевич (Dimitry Dashkevich), Young Front, is the young man who recently wrote from prison cell encouragement to us all: "But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere." (by Дмитрия Дашкевича) 2 Cor. 2:14 

Charter 97:

"A forcible attempt was made to throw Zmitser Dashkevich into a cell with a so-called downcast prisoner.

Young Front leader Zmitser Dashkevich met with a lawyer in the penal colony in Hlubokaye today, political prisoner's fiancee Anastasia Palazhanka says. According to her, the meeting was nervous: prison staff did not allow Dashekvich to talk and threatened to terminate the meeting, Euroradio reports.

The political prisoner managed to say prison guards tried to throw him into a cell with a prisoner with a low social status, a so-called downcast. Under unofficial prison rules, a prisoner is considered a downcast if he stays in a cell with another downcast. Dashkevich refused from transferring to this cell and was thrown into a punishment cell.

Dashkevich thinks it was a provocation in order to open a criminal case against him for resistance to prison guards and prolong his term of imprisonment.

The political prisoner has to serve 10 months before the release."


Anastasia "Nasta" Palazhanka, his fiancee is rewarded with International Women of Courage Award, 2011:

Nasta Palazhanka of Belarus – Unable to attend the ceremony

Deputy Chairperson, Malady Front (Young Front) non-governmental organization
Joining the opposition youth movement in Belarus at the age of 14, Nasta Palazhanka has grown into a key figure in the opposition youth group “Malady Front" (Young Front) and exemplifies the extraordinary potential of civil activism in Belarus. Despite threats and politically-motivated pressure and harassment against herself and her family, she continues to advocate for civil society freedoms and promote respect for fundamental human rights. Imprisoned repeatedly for her convictions, she prevails in her belief that a brighter future is possible.
Age: 20

U.S Department of State (Clinton/Obama) mars 2011:

More on "illtreatment" (Viasna "Human rights center") 20.2.2012:

"Andrei Sannikov, the most serious rival to president Alexander Lukashenka in the 2010 election, serving five and a half years, faced similar issues. When an "untouchable" prisoner was allocated to his solitary cell, Sannikov immediately called hunger strike and stood close to the door. The new inmate was taken away within minutes.

"We have not witnessed that before: prison administration using the informal order to humiliate jailed dissidents," journalist and former prisoner of conscience Andrzej Poczobut told IPS.

It is neither the prison administration nor the judiciary who call the shots. According to Poczobut "all decisions regarding political prisoners are taken at the high level, usually by KGB." KGB is an acronym for the Committee for State Security.

"The regime is open in its intention: to break the dissidents, make them beg for mercy," Poczobut said. Last summer this journalist from Grodno got a suspended sentence of three years for insulting Lukashenka. He was released after three months detention."

Earlier: "Sannikov closed to death":

"Message from presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov (tortured in jail): At parting Andrei pressed a note to the glass. It was written there: “Saving of my life is at stake. I can be killed at any time.”

Irina Khalip (his wife):  "I was shocked how exhausted he looks. He looked like a a man who had passed at least 10 years of Stalin’s camps in the last three months.
His mother who was at the meeting as well, was crying for the entire four hours on our way back. The first phrase her son said to her was: “I did not have a hope to see you again,”

Hungerstrike in prison (Kavalenka):
Сяргей Каваленка:

Earlier (EU condemns perseution and death penalty in Belarus): http://minkristnasamhllsblogg.blogspot.com/2012/02/maximal-pressure-on-dictatorship.html

(EU) "condemn the continuous persecution of human rights defenders and members of the democratic opposition and the harassment of civil society activists and the independent media in Belarus for political reasons and demand the unconditional immediate release of all political prisoners."

Earlier: Iryna, Danil & Andrei:
Andrei Sannikov: "transferred from one prison to another seven times, accompanied by barking dogs and clicks of guards’ guns, who for more than a year is living in inhuman conditions, undergoing psychological and physical torture, who was first beaten in the KGB remand prison, then bullied in “pressure-cells” by prisoners patronized by the prison administration, and then held in a solitary confinement for more than three months, when he could not receive a word from his family, not knowing whether the loved ones are alive." QUESTIONS: "why Sannikov cannot phone from the colony still, why there are no letters from him and he still cannot tell the lawyer what is going on with him in reality" ?? Why a person is tortured in prison in modern Belarus, his wife and son’s health and lives menaced??"

Earlier: Iryna Khalip:

Earlier: Interpol failiure:

About torture and death penalty: KGB is using torture in the "concentrations camps" in Minsk and in prisons in Belarus and death penalty is still a threat in Belarus.

Euroradio/N Palazhanka: Dimitry Dashkevich (again isolation cell for 10 days - no Bible despite his repeated requests):
In english:

"Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body." Hebr. 13:3, 8 ESV
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

Photo: Kerstin Lindén (opposition's flag, Minsk, Belarus) 

måndag 20 februari 2012

MKV "HERREN är mitt ljus och min frälsning, för vem skulle jag frukta?" Prayer for: Burma, Iran & South Asia

Kyrie eleison. Herre, förbarma Dig! Martyrkyrkans vänner/Ordf. Johan Candelin. (Veckorapport 6, 2012) Prayerbulletin.

(CBN News Christian persecution) Prayer for all leaders over the whole world. Hope

Burma (Myanmar), Iran och Södra Asien.

Tacksägelse- och förbönsämnen: Burma-Myanmar (FN bekräftar: minoriteterna lider mer än någonsin/kachinstammen), Iran (fängslade kristna; Farhad, Davoud, Naser, Noorallah, Farshid, Behnamn samt Nadarkhani (länkar), och icke namngivna) och Södra Asien (pastor Surendra).

1 Tim. 1:1, 2:1-4, 2 Kor. 13:13,  Ps. 50:14-15, Ps. 107:21-22, Ps. 116:17-19, Ps. 27:1-2, Hebr. 13:3

"Nej, offra lovets offer åt Gud och infria dina löften till den Högste. Ropa till mig på nödens dag, så skall jag rädda dig, och du skall ära mig." (Ps. 50:15)

"Må de tacka HERREN för hans nåd, för hans underbara gärningar mot människors barn. Må de offra lovets offer och förkunna hans verk med jubel." Ps. 107:21-22

"Åt dig vill jag offra lovets offer, HERRENS namn vill jag åkalla. Jag vill infria mina löften till HERREN inför hela hans folk, i gårdarna till HERRENS hus, mitt i dig, Jerusalem. Halleluja!  Ps. 116:17-19

Prayerbulletin 6/2012

1 Tim. 1:1 "Från Paulus, Kristi Jesu apostel på uppdrag av Gud, vår Frälsare, och Kristus Jesus, vårt hopp,"

2:2-4 "Först av allt uppmanar jag till bön och åkallan, förbön och tacksägelse för alla människor, för kungar och alla i ledande ställning, så att vi kan föra ett lugnt och stilla liv på allt sätt gudfruktigt och värdigt. Sådant är rätt och behagar Gud, vår Frälsare, som vill att alla människor skall bli frälsta och komma till insikt om sanningen."

2 Kor. 13:13 "Vår Herre Jesu Kristi nåd, Guds kärlek och den helige Andes gemenskap vare med er alla."

Ps. 27:1-2 "HERREN är mitt ljus och min frälsning, för vem skulle jag frukta? HERREN är mitt försvar, för vem skulle jag vara rädd?" När de onda kommer emot mig och vill uppsluka mig, mina motståndare och fiender, då skall de själva stappla och falla."

Christian persecution (link added by blogger):


"Bakom regimens rökridå av skenreformer lider Burmas etnisk-religiösa minoriteter mer än någonsin. Enligt Zetty Brake från organisationen Burma Campaign Australia håller situationen för dessa minoriteter de facto på att förvärras: konflikten fördjupas och människorättsbrotten ökar medan omkring 60 000 kristna flyktingar från kachin-stammen forfarande står utan humanitär hjälp. Detta bekräftas av FN, som bedömer att 55 00 internflyktingar från kachinstammen i drygt tjugo läger för internflyktingar kämpar för sin överlevnad utan basförnödenheter. Människor dör i enkla sjukdomar på grund av kyla och sanitära missförhållanden. De flesta barnen lider av diarré och inälvsparasiter orsakade av smutsigt dricksvatten. Antalet missfall har ökat avsevärt. Man är nu rädd för att smittsamma sjukdomar sprids vida omkring. Situationen är akut.

Ben Rogers från organisationen Christian Solidarity Worldwide återvände nyligen från gränsområdet mellan Burma och Kina. Även han uppgav att det han fått höra under besöket är något av det värsta han hört när det gäller människorättsbrott under sina 15 år av arbete i Burma.

- "Vi ber för de kristna i kachinstammen, liksom för andra kristna folkgrupper, som ofta attackeras av den burmesiska armén. Må Gud trösta och styrka våra lidande bröder och systrar i Burma!"


"Vi ber för de sex till tio kristna tillhörande en av Irans underjordiska husförsamlingar, som arresterades den 8 februari i Shiraz. Samtidigt ber vi för andra kristna som hållits fängslade i månader eller till och med år: pastor Farhad och församlingsmedlemmarna Davoud och Naser (alla tre arresterade i december 2011). Noorallah (arresterad i december 2010). Farshid (december 2010) och Behnam (maj 2011); samt för Yousef Nadarkhani (oktober 2009) som också fortfarande sitter i fängelse i väntan på en skriftlig version av dödsdomen mot honom som en provinsdomstol trots besvär fastställde i september 2011. Vi ber också för de många andra fängslade vars namn vi inte känner och för dem som har frigivits mot borgen och väntar på nya domstolsbehandlingar."

(Källor: www.mohabatnews.com, www.meconern.org)


"Vi ber för pastor Surendra och hans team som attackerades efter att ha visat Jesus-filmen i en stad dit människor från hela delstaten kom för att tillbe en lokal gudom. Surendra fick skador i ansiktet och har smärtor i hela kroppen, men vi ber att han ska bli fullständigt helad. Vi ber också för det trettiotal personer som anföll honom, att var och en av dem skulle få känna Jesus Kristus. Vi ber om Guds beskydd för pastor Surendra, hans familj och hans hem, som tidigare hotats och attackerats. Vi ber att församlingen ska kunna stå enad och frimodigt stöda sin pastor under denna svåra tid."

(Källa: www.gospelforasia.org)

"Tänk på dem som sitter i fängelse, som om ni vore deras medfångar, och på dem som misshandlas, som om det gällde er egen kropp." Hebr. 13:3

Martyrkyrkans vänner r.f.

Om pastor Yousef Nadarkhani:



Nadarkhani-länkarna och CBN-länken mitt bidrag (KL)

Foto: Kerstin L. (Hope)

Fixing eyes on Jesus - Lent

 "On my heart imprint your image,
Blessed Jesus, king of grace,
That life’s riches, cares, and pleasures
Never may your work erase;
Let the clear inscription be:
Jesus, crucified for me,
Is my life, my hope’s foundation,
And my glory and salvation!"

Reflection on Lent, fasting and fixing eyes on Jesus (Cyberbrethen/Paul T McCain)
Ancient reflection and confession of sin (St. Ephraim the Syrian, A Spiritual Psalter)
Wonderful prayer: Thomas H. Kingo

"The time of Lent is not, primarily, about fasting and self-mortification. It is important that we not confuse the useful, helpful spiritual disciplines of Lent with the true purpose of Lent: to fix our eyes on Jesus and to ponder the purpose, reasons and necessity of our Lord’s suffering and death for us. Having said that, and keeping this very clear, it is unfortunate that Lutherans have forsaken the ancient Lenten disciplines, simply, and mostly, our of fear that we will make them our focus. Our Lord Jesus assumes that His disciples will fast. He says, “But when you fast…” not “But if you fast…” Fasting is indeed a fine, outward, bodily discipline, as Luther himself states in the Catechism. But it is never fasting, for the sake of fasting."

(Read more: http://cyberbrethren.com/2012/02/15/reflection-on-lent-fasting-and-fixing-eyes-on-jesus/)

Here is an ancient reflection and confession of sin, which is useful, I added the last verse.

"Before Thy glory, O Christ my Savior, I will announce all my misconduct
and confess the infinitude of Thy mercies, which Thou pourest out upon
me according to Thy kindness.

From my mother’s womb I began to grieve Thee, and utterly have I
disregarded Thy grace, for I have neglected my soul. Thou, O my Master,
according to the multitude of Thy mercies, hast regarded all my
wickedness with patience and kindess. Thy grace has lifted up my head,
but daily it is brought low by my sins.

Bad habits entangle me like snares, and I rejoice at being thus bound.
I sink to the very depths of evil, and this delights me. Daily the
enemy gives me new shackles, for he sees how this variety of bonds
pleases me.

The fact that I am bound by my own desires should provoke weeping and
lamentation, shame and disgrace. And yet more terrible is the fact that
I bind myself with the shackles that the enemy places upon me, and I
slay myself with the passions that give him pleasure.

Although I know how dreadful these shackles are, I hide behind a noble
appearance from all who might see. I appear to be robed in the
beautiful clothes of reverence, but my soul is entagled with shameful
thoughts. Before all who might see, I am reverent, but inside I am
filled with all manner of indecency.

My conscience accuses me of all this, and I act as if I wish to be
freed of my shackles, yet I ever remain bound by the same snares.
How pitiful I am; and how pitiful is my daily repentance, for it has no
foundation. Every day I lay a foundation for the building, and again
with my own hands I demolish it.

My repentance has not even made a good beginning as yet; yet there is
no end to my wicked negligence. I have become a slave to passions and
to the evil will of the enemy who destroys me.

Who will give the water to my head, and the founts to my eyes for
tears, so that I may ever weep before Thee, O merciful God, that Thou
mightest send Thy grace and draw me, a sinner, out of the sea, furious
with the waves of sin, that hourly convulses my soul? For my desires
are worse than wounds that cannot be bandaged.

I wait hoping for repentance and deceive myself with this vain promise
until my death. Ever do I say, “I will repent,” but never do I repent.
My words give the appearance of heartfelt repentance, but in deed I am
always far from repentance.

What will happen to me in the day of the trial, when God unveils all
things at His court! Certainly I shall be sentenced to torment, if here
I have not moved Thee to mercy, O my Judge, by my tears.

I hope on Thy mercies, O Lord; I fall at Thy feet and beseech Thee:
Grant me the spirit of repentance and lead my soul out of the dungeon
of iniquity! May a ray of light shine in my mind before I go to the
terrible judgment which awaits me, where there is no opportunity to
repent of one’s wicked deeds."

-St. Ephraim the Syrian, A Spiritual Psalter

 Paul T. McCain.

Wonderful prayer:

On My Heart Imprint Your Image

"On my heart imprint your image,
Blessed Jesus, king of grace,
That life’s riches, cares, and pleasures
Never may your work erase;
Let the clear inscription be:
Jesus, crucified for me,
Is my life, my hope’s foundation,
And my glory and salvation!"

(By Thomas H. Kingo)


On fasting and Lutheranism:

Photo: Julia L.

söndag 19 februari 2012

Maximal pressure on dictatorship - no talks with Lukashenka

European Parliament/News, Norweig:Aftenposten/Aliaksandr Atroshchankau

No talks with Lukashenka:
 "Alyaksandr Lukashenka regime that “fakes voting results and throws people to prison and tortures them for their political views”. Egeland is convinced that Oslo and Brussels must adhere to the politics of maximal pressure on dictatorship. (Charter 97/Aftenposten)

"Finally, they (EU) condemn the continuous persecution of human rights defenders and members of the democratic opposition and the harassment of civil society activists and the independent media in Belarus for political reasons and demand the unconditional immediate release of all political prisoners." (European Parliament News)

"Arrangements with Lukashenka mean nothing. A dialogue must be carried out under particular conditions. There must always be a threat of imposing sanctions, also economic ones, if agreements are not fulfilled." Aliaksandr Atroshchankau

 EU (on Egypt, Belarus and Japan):

"Parliament expresses its strong support for reforms leading to democracy in Egypt, and deplores the loss of life in recent clashes in Port Said, in a resolution adopted on Thursday. In two other resolutions, MEPs reiterate their strong commitment to abolition of the death penalty, with special reference to Belarus and Japan.

Recent developments in Egypt

In a resolution on recent developments in Egypt, MEPs express their solidarity with the Egyptian people in this crucial period of democratic transition in the country and calls on the Egyptian authorities to ensure full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. They underline their strong support for reforms leading to the establishment of democracy, and stress the importance of holding free, fair and transparent elections.

Parliament deplores the considerable loss of life and the high number of injuries in Port Said on 1 February 2012, where at least 74 people were killed and hundreds more were injured after clashes broke out at a football match, and expresses its concern about accusations that the clashes were politically motivated. MEPs therefore call on the Egyptian authorities to initiate an independent investigation of the events in order to bring those responsible to justice.

The situation of NGOs in Egypt is alarming, say  MEPs, who call for the criminal charges against NGOs and political foundations to be dropped immediately. They welcome the release of imprisoned bloggers Alaa Abd El-Fattah and Maikel Nabil Sanad, and repeat their call to the Egyptian authorities to guarantee that no blogger, journalist or human rights defender will be subject to direct or indirect harassment or intimidation in the country.

Death penalty in Belarus

The use of death penalty in Belarus is condemned in another resolution highlighting the death sentences handed down to Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavalyou by the Supreme Court on 30 November 2011. It urges Alyaksandr Lukashenka to pardon both men and to impose a moratorium on all death sentences and executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty from the penal system. The two men were sentenced for allegedly committing terrorist attacks in 2005, 2008 and 2011 in Vitebsk and Minsk, but according to reports by human rights organisations (FIDH, Human Rights Watch), there are arguments showing that the trial was unfair and that the investigation was marred by serious human rights abuses.The executions of the two may be carried out very soon.

Underlining that this "irreversible, cruel, inhumane and degrading punishment, which violates the right to life", is unacceptable, MEPs deplore the continuing failure of the Belarusian authorities to take any tangible steps towards abolishing the death penalty or imposing an immediate moratorium on it. They reiterate that the European Union and other international institutions have repeatedly urged the Belarusian authorities to abolish the death penalty.

Finally, they condemn the continuous persecution of human rights defenders and members of the democratic opposition and the harassment of civil society activists and the independent media in Belarus for political reasons and demand the unconditional immediate release of all political prisoners.

Belarus remains the only country in Europe that imposes the death penalty and still carries out executions.

Death penalty in Japan

In a resolution on the death penalty in Japan, MEPs urgently call on the Japanese Minister of Justice, Toshio Ogawa, not to approve any execution order in the future. According to press reports, Ogawa had announced that he did not wish to continue his predecessor's policy of "caution".

MEPs also call on Japan to sustain its efforts towards returning to the de facto moratorium in place from November 1989 to March 1993 and to encourage to a public debate on the use of capital punishment in the country.

2011 was the first year without any execution in Japan since 1992. Some 130 persons sentenced to death in Japan are currently on death row.

Human rights - Situation in Egypt and death penalty in Belarus and Japan/EU



Norwegian government appeals: No talks with Lukashenka

"The cause for the appeal was a recent article in Aftenposten newspaper criticizing agreements between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Oslo conducts the negotiations on behalf of the EFTA, an organization which members besides Norway include three non-EU states – Switzerland, Iceland and Lichtenstein. Famous human rights defenders and public figures appeared in the newspaper calling on the country's government not to hold any talks with Alyaksandr Lukashenka regime that “fakes voting results and throws people to prison and tortures them for their political views”.
According to Norwegian media, the issue was discussed on Thursday at a meeting of the Parliamentary Commission for fForeign Affairs and Defence with participation of the Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. According to observers, the debate was the start of the discussion on further cooperation with Belarus.
“We need an updated and stronger strategy on Belarus,” the commission chair Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide said. She called Belarus “the last dictatorship of Europe” and added the living standards of the people of Belarus had only been declining in the past year. She criticized the position of the country's Foreign Minister concerning the agreements between the EFTA and Minsk.
Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre spoke in favour of free trade with Belarus, because the country is a member of the Customs Union, an important partner for the EFTA. The Norwegian Foreign Minister is confident the agreements with Minsk may become a channel for Norway to convey critical messages to the Belarusian authorities.
As noted by MP and coordinator of the Progress Party Morten Høglund, “politicians should take care to prevent agreements on free trade with Belarus from serving other purposes”.

Aftenposten: EFTA should not cooperate with Belarusian dictator

Norway is alarmed by the Norwegian government’s connections with Belarus.
An article in the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten criticizes the agreement between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. In the negotiations over the agreement, the EFTA is represented by Oslo.
The newspaper posted a photograph of Norway’s Industry and Trade Minister Trond Giske (second from the left) drinking champagne with Belarus’ Trade Minister Nikolay Snopkov (first from the right), Russia’s Economic Development Minister Elvira Nabiullina and Switzerland’s Economics Minister Johann Schneider-Ammann. The photo was taken in early 2012 in Genève during the negotiations over the agreement on free trade zone between then Customs Union members and the EFTA. The next round of negotiations is to take place in November in Minsk.
According to Aftenposten, Norway should not hold any talks with Aliaksandar Lukashenka’s regime that fakes voting results and throws people to prison and tortures them for their political views.
The newspaper cites Iryna Khalip, the wife of presidential candidate and political prisoner Andrei Sannikov. When she saw her husband for the first time after several months that he spent in the Vitsiebsk prison, she said “he looks like he has spent ten years in Stalin concentration camps.”
Aftenposten also reminds about the harsh confinement conditions of another presidential candidate, Mikola Statkevich.
“The situation with the human rights in Belarus has aggravated since the last year, and we are ready to broaden the sanctions,” an EU diplomat told Aftenposten. It is reported that the EU Foreign Ministers may intensify the sanctions against the Belarusian regime on 27 February.
Meanwhile chief of the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch Jan Egeland expressed his astonishment about the fact that his country represents the EFTA in the talks with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan where mass human rights violations are reported on a regular basis. “For example, in Russia the opposition is systematically suppressed, there is neither freedom of speech nor freedom of associations, and Belarus is even called Europe’s last dictatorship.”
“This is a problem, because any cooperation in trade is a signal of willingness to establish tighter contacts with the country,” Jan Egeland emphasized.
Egeland is convinced that Oslo and Brussels must adhere to the politics of maximal pressure on dictatorship.
The Norwegian powers in their turn assert that ”clear statements on human rights” will be added to the free trade agreement. But Aftenposten journalists have thoroughly studied the protocols of the negotiations commission talks and have not found the expression “human rights” at all.
Ulf Sverdrup, the director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), said that “it seems that Oslo is signing an agreement on free trade while the EU is broadening the sanctions.”
“The question is, can the EFTA continue the talks in general?” the Norwegian expert points out.
The situation is aggravated by the fact that initially the EFTA has signed a crucial – especially for Norway – agreement with Russia. After the establishment of the Customs Union Moscow demanded that further negotiations should include Minsk and Astana, and Oslo agreed to the demands.
“If everything goes smoothly, the deal will be made next year,” Aftenposten’s sources from the trade authorities remarked.
An interesting fact: in accordance with the agreement terms Norway negotiates both with the entire Customs Union at once and with each country separately.
According to Ulf Sverdrup, “since some of these agreements imply lower social standards than in the EU, doing so the EFTA hopes to obtain a competition bonus in the EU.”
The EFTA was founded in 1960 in order to create a free trade zone. Later the countries that formed or joined the EU left the EFTA. Today the EFTA consists of four countries that are not EU members: Norway, Switzerland, Island and Lichtenstein.

Charter 97

Aliaksandr Atroshchankau: 

“If the Belarusian regime really intended to hold a dialogue, political prisoners would have been released yesterday. Arrangements with Lukashenka mean nothing. A dialogue must be carried out under particular conditions. There must always be a threat of imposing sanctions, also economic ones, if agreements are not fulfilled.
Lukashenka is weak now due to the oncoming Russian election. It's not clear how the Belarus-Russia relations will develop. That's why the dictator tries to demonstrate his success in the western direction. It's necessary to demand the regime to stop repression and release political prisoners as well as reform the whole political system,” Alyaksandr Atroishchankau said in an interview to charter97.org.
