lördag 10 januari 2015

“Israel is being attacked by the very same forces that attack Europe.”

Israel. The battle for good values.

 “Israel stands with Europe; Europe must stand with Israel. --- “The entire international community must stand strong and determined in the face of this terror.”

“They might have different names — ISIS, Boko Haram, Hamas, Al Shabab, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah — but all of them are driven by the same hatred and bloodthirsty fanaticism,” Mr. Netanyahu said before meeting with the French ambassador to Israel. “We understand we are in a common battle for our values and a common battle for our future.” (PM Benjamin Netanyahu)

The New York Times (full text):
"For many Israelis, any terrorism by Islamic extremists bolsters the argument that their conflict with the Palestinians is part of a larger clash of civilizations. But some questioned why the outpouring embodied by the worldwide “We are Charlie” campaign after the Charlie Hebdo massacre did not follow November’s deadly attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, the abduction-murder of three Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank in June, or the 2012 killing of a rabbi and three children at a Jewish school in Toulouse, France." ---

"There was no immediate response from Palestinian leaders to Friday’s deadly hostage-taking at the supermarket. Israeli officials held a series of urgent consultations, local news media reported, and Mr. Netanyahu offered assistance to the French authorities and ordered a review of security protocols for Israeli outposts and Jewish institutions around the world."

“This is another attempt by the dark forces of radical Islam to unleash horror and terror on the West,” said Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister, echoing Mr. Netanyahu’s earlier argument. “The entire international community must stand strong and determined in the face of this terror.”

PM Netanyahu's Comments Following Terror Attack in Paris (video 1:07)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUHsBeoHb5k

Min egna kommentarer till terrorhandlingarna i Frankrike:

"For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish" (Esther 4:14)

- Det måste vara vår hjärtesak att som kristna stå med det judiska folket "i en tid som denna" (Hadassa Ester 4:14) och oavsett vad man tycker om smaklösa karikatyrer (som driver med andras tro) är det absolut oacceptabelt med terrorattacker mot press/media och det fria ordet. Det är också ödesdigert och hemskt med gisslandramat och dödandet i Kosher-supermarketen i Paris. Netanyahu fördömer och vet vad det handlar om och hur det känns. Han sänder kondoleanser till det franska folket.

 Kristendomen har judiska rötter och det goda vi ärvt är värnandet om familjen, traditioner och släktbanden och den judiska tron påminner oss också om att Gud är En och tex. om Tio Guds bud.

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